
Posts Tagged ‘wimgo’

For the Samsung 500 two weekends ago at Texas Motor Speedway, my dad, who had to attend the race without me, decided to caravan with other Oklahomans through a packaged deal put together by wimgo.comwimgo_logo_beta

After seeing an advertisement in the Daily Oklahoman, my dad visited wimgo.com where they had a great deal for those looking for a way to get to the race. The package was $159 and included a bus ride to the speedway and back, a ticket to the race, pit pass and a boxed lunch. According to him, “it worked like clockwork”. There were six buses with approximately 50 passengers each, mainly couples ranging in age from 30 to 70 years old, and as the event timeline said, they were on the road at 7:00 a.m. Going along with the NASCAR theme the film Days of Thunder, featuring Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall and Nicole Kidman, was shown on the bus ride.days-of-thunder847front

The seats in the grand stand were in turn one, section 147, which made sense because it was close to the bus parking lot and allowed for a quick return after the checkered flag fell.  He couldn’t see pit road but still good seats.

Overall, I’m glad that wimgo offered this deal because my dad does not need to be driving 3 hours down and back by himself after an early morning and long day. He got home around 9:00 p.m., making great time being in race traffic. He praised the organization of the trip and how everyone was timely in getting back to the buses after the race.

If you’re looking for events in your area or want to add an event, visit wimgo.com

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