
Posts Tagged ‘JB4843’

School of Journalism and Broadcasting

I am currently enrolled in PR Research and Campaigns with Gina Noble. Seeing that it’s a capstone course, which involves using everything learned in previous required JB courses, it’s only fitting that this class requires students to put what we know into practice.

The most exciting part of this course, for me, is the group work. It is the first time that I really feel the benefits of teamwork and what can be accomplished when working with others toward a common goal. Despite the fact that I was incredibly lucky to have been paired up with three talented group members, I am truly seeing the advantages of working as a team. Through brainstorming, researching, and developing goals and objectives, I’ve discovered how exciting putting together a campaign for an organization, such as Mission of Hope, can be.

There should be more details to come about the project itself, but I want to let OKstate PR students know that JB4843 is a course to look forward to. When you are in your senior year as a JB student I hope that you are lucky enough to be partnered with a great group to work on this semester-long campaign.

Although I can work independently, I’ve discovered that working in a team environment is extremely beneficial in advising a strategic plan, and I look forward to working on campaigns with others in the future.

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